    • Front
    • Notice to all Residents of the Robersonville Housing Authority

      For Emergency After Hours Calls

      Sherwood Leggett Maintenance Supervisor 252-809-9416

      Homer Newport Maintenance Mechanic 252-799-7355

      Martin County Communications 252-792-8151

      NEW Payment Option 

      You may pay online and set up your account at  RENTPAYMENT.COM

      Pleased be advised you may also pay your rent via the, the drop box, by mail or in person . For questions or work orders you may use our, email, phone, or you may visit our office in person. Feel free to use the email service on the website




      The Robersonville Housing Authority will adhere to our payment policy. Please be advised that rent is late after the 5th working day of the month. Late Charges will be assessed on or around the tenth of the month. The eviction process will begin 30 days from the first of the month.

      The Online application process Will Open January 3rd 2025


       If you do not have a mailing address or email address updated with us, you will not receive your rent letter or receipt unless you visit our office and request them.  RHA Staff will no longer hand deliver rent letters or receipts.


      Due to the rapid spread of COVID-19 The Robersonville Housing Authority (RHA) will follow the Recommendations of the State of North Carolina.

      The Robersonville Housing Authority is actively monitoring all information released about Coronavirus (COVID-19) and is taking precautionary measures to protect both our clientele and staff.

      Our precautions are based on guidance issued by the State of North Carolina and other reputable agencies including the CDC.


      Residents are asked to notify RHA staff members of suspected illness in the event that a home visit is anticipated, or a maintenance repair is needed in your home, so we may better prepare our staff.

      Residents are encouraged to contact RHA staff by telephone, or email. 

      All inquiries are to be directed to the Main Office 252-217-2283 or email Jacquline Manning at jbm.robersonvillehousing@gmail.com



      Jason J. Whitfield

      Executive Director 

    • Contact Us

      We are happy to hear from you at any time.   Feel free to call, email, or visit our office located at 106 NW Railroad Street Robersonville NC 27871 and we will respond to you during normal business hours.


      Quality Housing for Robersonville, NC Since 1962


    • Email Us


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